All my life I had to advocate for myself. So at certain point of my life I understood that doing so, I can advocate for other people too. 

 I belong to multiple marginalized categories - I was born in female body, I am neurodivergent, I am disabled, I am not straight, I am not cis, I am an immigrant. And still I have some privilleges. I live in Europe and can speak openly, without risking to be sent to prison (like I would be if I stayed in the country where I was born). I have access to at least some medicine, to food and clean water, I have access to internt, to information, I have privillege to be able to create and write at least sometimes, during my better days (while during my worst days I lay in bed sick and cramping from severe pain).

 And I want to use these privilleges to advocate for all the people who suffer in this society, especially for those who do not have even those privilleges that I have. Because I am not the only one, and I am not the one with the worst situation.